понедельник, 3 апреля 2023 г.


 My Hobby Is Photography


Hello, students! My name's Anna Nikolaevna and I want to write you about my hobby. 


In order to preserve the memory of the important events of their life, many people make photos. It became particularly easy to make photos with the advent of smartphones, because such a device is close at hand of every person.   

I also previously liked to shoot on mobile camera everything that happened around, but in most cases the quality of the finished shots didn’t suit me. The image often got fuzzy, and colors were somehow faded and unnatural. So I decided to read over the Internet about how to make beautiful pictures, and I got carried away. Then I decided to register for professional courses, but for this I needed a nice camera.    



Parents gifted me such camera for the New Year`s Day. And ever since I started to actively comprehend the art of photography, mastering step by step the technique of the correct choice of focal length and aperture size, the selection of light sensitivity and white balance, as well as the implementation of metering mode.


Most of all I like to do portraits of my friends and take photos of landscapes. Many times, I’ve noticed that people look much more natural, when they do not know that they are photographed, so I try to catch such moments.    

I also have many further creative plans. I would like to learn to make staged footage in the studio with proper artificial illumination.


The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia

Every year on April 2, the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia is celebrated. This holiday is timed to coincide with the signing on April 2, 1996 of an agreement on the formation of the Community of Belarus and Russia.


The document defined the main tasks of integration in the field of foreign policy, defense and security, the creation of a common economic space other issues.


Every year in the capitals of both states, Moscow and Minsk, various festive events are held, as well as meetings of the leaders of the countries. A coordinated social policy is being pursued that ensures equal rights for citizens of both countries. There is an increase in interaction in the field of education, healthcare, culture, sports and youth policy. 


Within the framework of the Union State, a large number of various joint programs and projects are being implemented in such areas as construction, industry, energy, space exploration, development of computer and innovative technologies.https://sun9-61.userapi.com/impg/x3U42OrkajtGpM7Z8l0BvaBn9M3j_YSMn8gHMA/6f8S4mGd-g4.jpg?size=2560x1923&quality=96&sign=0f6b454bbbed2bd00475a09f2a446f1a&type=album

 Our team "Flame" took an active part in the competition of young rescuers-firefighters! 



                                      Join our club!!!

четверг, 30 марта 2023 г.


 My favorite city!


I want to talk about my favorite city. This city is Novolukoml. And like every person who loves the area in which he lives, I want my city to become better, more beautiful and cleaner every day. 

Novolukoml is one of the most beautiful young cities in Belarus, located on the shores of the picturesque lake Lukoml. Novolukoml is the largest settlement in the Chashniksky district. The city has industrial enterprises, educational and sports institutions. 


You can visit Novolukoml while relaxing in the recreation complex "Sosnovy Bor", which is located on the opposite shore of Lake Lukoml. 

Our city is notable for many things. One of the largest thermal power plants in Europe has been built here. Here is an ancient, amazingly beautiful lake. A long time ago, the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks" ran through these places. 

At present, the city of Novolukoml is a developed industrial center, the economic base of which is the State District Power Plant.


 In April 2013, the region began working on projects aimed at improving the ecological situation and preserving the environment.  

In conclusion, I want to appeal to all residents of the city of Novolukoml: To love and protect native nature is the business of every person living on earth. Let's help together the nature of our city, district, region, republic, and it will not remain in debt. Our future depends on this.



10 Best Places to Visit in Belarus

 10 Best Places to Visit in Belarus

As over 40% of the country is forest, expect lush vegetation and picturesque countryside, as well as an abundance of local wildlife including rare European bison.

You can take a trip back in time at the numerous forts and castles in Belarus, as well as keeping up with the more modern side of things in the buzzing capital city of Minsk.

1. Minsk

The capital city of Belarus has a lot to offer visitors. Head to Independence Square which at 7 hectares is one of the largest public squares in all of Europe, and is perfect for an evening stroll to take in the pretty water fountains and dancing lights.

Also not to be missed is Independence Avenue that acts as the main artery of the city, and has cafes, restaurants, and shopping opportunitiess, as well as clubs and music events.

Minsk is also known for its parks and gardens, so don’t miss a trip to the Gorky Central Children’s Park that features fairground rides as well as an observation wheel that provides stunning views over the city. Dive into Belarusian history at the National History Museum, or take in the cultural sights at the National Art Museum.

                   Бесплатные фото Минск
2. Braslav Lakes

If you want to explore what is left of an ancient glacier then a visit to Braslav Lake Area is something that you can’t miss. There are approximately 300 lakes in the region that are known as the ‘Blue Necklace’ of Belarus due to their azure waters.


3. Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park

Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park covers both Belarus and neighbouring Poland, and is a protected area of land as well as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The park is famous for its lush landscapes and flora and fauna, the most notable of which is the European Bison, and is one of the few places in the world where these majestic animals can be viewed in their natural habitat.


4. Mir Castle

One of the premium attractions in Belarus, Mir Castle lies in the Grodno region and dates from the 16th century. This mighty architectural feat is built in the Baroque, Gothic, and Renaissance styles, and is heavily surrounded by fortification walls.
The castle offers a spectacular look at some of the best architecture in Belarus, and is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

     Бесплатные фото Замок

5. Brest Hero Fortress Memorial Complex

A memorial complex erected in the city of Brest that stands on the site of the original fortress, Brest Fortress is dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
The site features conserved parts of the original ruins of the fortress as well as ramparts, and there are also modern art installations including memorial structures that stand on site.


6. National Park Pripyatsky

National Park Pripyatsky lies in a valley that is also known as the Belarus Amazon, due to the amazing number of forests and swamps found here. Visitors to the region flock here for the sheer diversity of wildlife present, and photography safaris are a popular activity. There are 51 species of mammals in the park including deer, elk, racoons, and beavers.

                           Национальный парк «Припятский» – экскурсии, контакты, где находится

7. Polotsk

Known for being the oldest city in Belarus, having first been mentioned in the year 862, Polotsk is a place of significance historical and architectural importance and has a whole host of heritage buildings for visitors to explore.

The Cathedral of Saint Sophia dates from the medieval period and was restored over the years in the Baroque style, and there are several cultural museums of note in the city. For those interested in the rich textile industry in Belarus, there is the Museum of Traditional Weaving, as well as the Museum of Belarusian Printing that has examples of works that date from the 16th century.

                                               Полоцк — Википедия

8. Grodno

Found on the western border of Belarus, come to the city of Grodno in particular for the Kalozha Church, a nominee as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The church is still in working order and is a place of worship for Orthodox Christians in Belarus, and is said to have been built in the 12th century.

Other attractions in Grodno include the Old Grodno Castle that is built from local stone and features a stone arch bridge that is still intact.
      Бесплатные фото Ночь

9. Dudutki

If you fancy a day trip from Minsk, then head to Dudutki Ethnological Museum Complex to go back in time and take in the history and folklore of Belarus.

10. Nesvizh

The city of Nesvizh is famous for its medieval castle, also known as Nesvizh Castle. The building is a mix of Baroque and Renaissance styles, and was completed in the 17th century.

The former home of the Radziwill family, the castle is now open to the public who can explore the building as well as the sprawling gardens that are modelled on traditional English rose gardens.

The castle was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004, and from there visitors can move on to Corpus Christi Church, one of the oldest Jesuit churches in the world outside of Italy, that houses the tombs of the Radziwill family.

Бесплатные фото Замок

ИСТОЧНИК: https://www.thecrazytourist.com/15-best-places-visit-belarus/

 The Republic of Belarus

               Бесплатная векторная графика Беларусь

The Republic of Belarus is situated in the centre of Europe. It borders on Latvia, Lithuania, the Ukraine, Russia and Poland.  Its present population is about 12 million people.

    Бесплатные фото Библиотека

Belarus is a land of vast plains and picturesque hills, thick forests and green meadows, deep blue lakes and flowing rivers.

Forests cover 2/5 of Belarus, they are scattered all over the country. There are a lot of rivers and lakes in our country. 

The Dnieper, Pripyat, Beresins, Sozh, Zapadnaya Dvina, Neman are the biggest rivers with more then 500 kilometers in length. The largest lake in Belarus is Lake Naroch which stretches 13 kilometers from West to East. It is a very popular recreation area in our country.

  Бесплатные фото Река

Belarus has a moderately continental climate due to the influence of the Atlantic Ocean with a warm winter and warm summer.

The history of Belarus goes back to ancient times beginning with the Polotsk Principality in the 10th century. As Belarus is situated in the centre of Europe many wars took place on its territory.

               Бесплатные фото Беларусь
In the 20th century alone Belarus survived three revolutions and three bloody wars. The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was one of the most heroic and tragic periods in the history of the century. For three years the territory of Belarus was occupied by the Nazis.

The country lost more than 3 million people (every third citizen fell in the fight against fascism), many towns and villages were ruined. Belarus lost more then half of its national wealth.

     Бесплатные фото Минск

Today Belarus is a developed industrial state. Industry makes up 70% of the Gross National Product. The main industries are engineering, chemical industry, wood-working industry, light and food industries.
The major industrial centres in Belarus are Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk, Mogilev, Soligorsk, Zhodino, Brest and others. Belarussian goods are exported to many countries and are known all over the world.

             Бесплатные фото Ночь

The Republic of Belarus has a well-developed science and educational system. Nowadays in Belarus there are 43 universities, academies and institutes which provide training in various spheres of science and humanities.

                        Белорусский государственный университет (БГУ)

At present Belarus actively participates in an effective international partnership with the governments of different states and international organizations. As a co-founder of the United Nations, Belarus cooperates with various institutions and organizations of the United Nations, World Bank, World Health Organization, International Labor Organization, UNESCO, the European Union, etc. Belarus has a friendly working relationship with such countries as Germany, Denmark, France, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Great Britain, The USA and many others.

ИСТОЧНИК: https://www.native-english.ru/topics/the-republic-of-belarus



Drug abuse

Drug abuse is a serious public health problem that affects communities and families all over the world. What is more terrifying, a great percent of drug takers are youngsters who can’t yet understand the risk they are involved in. Each year drug abuse results in millions of illnesses and injuries among people.


Social problems

Major social problems take place due to drug taking. Here we can talk about drugged driving, violence, stress and child abuse. The problem also leads to homelessness and crime. Drugs harm unborn babies and destroy families.

           Бесплатные фото Депрессия

What a drug is

A drug is considered to be any chemical that is not food though affects your body. There are such drugs as medicines and painkillers which are prescribed by a doctor and are available in pharmacies but the other type which is man-made is really dangerous.

These include amphetamines, anabolic steroids, marijuana, inhalants, cocaine and heroin. They cause irreversible changes in a person’s brain and very often lead to losing the feeling of self control and the ability to understand anything. It’s an absurd that nowadays people invent drugs in huge quantities especially for human consumption.

                     Бесплатные фото Стоп

Possible reasons

It’s hard to say why people start taking drugs. One of the main reasons, probably, is the desire to escape the reality. They try to change the way they feel, think or behave. However, everything that happens after taking drugs is just a miracle.


Types of treatmen

There are different types of treatment for drug abuse but the best is to prevent drug addiction in the first place. One of the ways to do it is to implement prevention programs into our everyday life which would involve schools, families and the media. But the most important thing is to be aware of the consequences of drug taking.


ИСТОЧНИК: https://www.activeenglish.ru/subscription/topics/topik-po-anglijskomu-jazyku-narkotiki/

Summer camp

Summer camp for work and rest

Summer holidays are coming soon!  

This is a time of relaxation and good weather, but it is also an opportunity to spend this free time usefully and earn money.

Every year, our school organizes a summer camp for work and rest for students! This is a great opportunity to spend time with friends and help our school.  

Look! It was really cool last year!








Join our summer camp!

 Your life is your choice!

                      And our students know it!

        Every day, each of us makes this or that choice, and what choice it will be and its consequences depends only on you: 

        * smoke a cigarette or read a book, 

        * buy beer or food for your beloved pet, 

        * go to distribute drugs or learn a new language!


                     The choice is yours!

 We present to your attention the video
"There is a choice":

 I say NO to drugs, but YES to my hobbies!

вторник, 28 марта 2023 г.


Бесплатные иллюстрации Беларусь

Belarus is rightly considered the country of sport fans. People’s health, development of physical education and sport are the priorities of the Belarusian social policy.

                        Спорт в Беларуси | Belarus.by

There are more than 23,000 sports facilities in the country, including stadiums, riding halls, swimming pools, arenas. More than 460 facilities provide training for the sports reserve. The system of state specialized sports training institutions provides the training of athletes for 44 national teams.

              Спорт в Беларуси | Официальный интернет-портал Президента Республики  Беларусь

The Sports and Tourism Ministry of the Republic of Belarus is a government body, responsible for the implementation of state policy on development of physical culture and sport. The country has a definite structure of sports societies and federations engaged in the development of mass physical training and health-improvement work, training of Olympic reserve, high performance sport.

                 Белорусские спортсмены

Special attention is paid to physical education of children and youth. Тhere are over 250 sport schools for children and youth, providing conditions for sports practices for more than 90,000 persons. The numerous objects of physical culture and sports include:

    136 stadiums;
    327 swimming pools (958 including mini swimming pools);
    52 training grounds;
    4 510 gyms;
    35 synthetic ice rinks.

            5 Зимних Видов Спорта в Беларуси, Которые Нужно Попробовать - Visit Belarus

Most popular sports are athletics, football, gymnastics, skiing, ice hockey, tennis, fencing, wrestling, volleyball, handball, swimming, chess and checks.

The source of information: https://infocenter.nlb.by/eng/sport-i-turizm/belarus-sportivnaya/

The Republic of Belarus is an important member of the international sports family. The country consistently places among the top 20 nations taking part in the Olympic Games.

Comprehensive development of physical education and sport is one of the priorities of the state's social policy.

Belarus has provided all the necessary conditions for doing sport, both professional and amateur. A lot of work is carried out to set up a modern public sports infrastructure, to encourage young people to do sport and be physically active, to train the Olympic talent pool, to improve the training conditions of world-class athletes. There are thousands of sports facilities in all regions. Their number increases every year. Many sporting events are held, the number of participants is growing. https://president.gov.by/en/belarus/social/sport
The Republic of Belarus develops more than 130 sports. Each of them has fans, momentous victories, and prominent names.

Belarusian athletes have taken part in the Olympic Games since 1952. Many Belarusian athletes went into the history of the Olympic Games, including three-time Olympic champion, wrestler Aleksandr Medved, four-time Olympic champion, gymnast Olga Korbut, five-time Olympic champion, gymnast Nellie Kim, six-time Olympic champion, gymnast Vitaly Scherbo, and many other renowned athletes.

Belarus started competing in the Olympic Games as a separate team in 1994. Since then, Belarusian athletes have won 106 Olympic medals: 21 golds, 37 silvers, and 48 bronzes. https://president.gov.by/en/belarus/social/sport/sports-heroes
Sports Heroes

The Republic of Belarus develops more than 130 sports. Each of them has fans, momentous victories, and prominent names.

Belarusian athletes have taken part in the Olympic Games since 1952. Many Belarusian athletes went into the history of the Olympic Games, including three-time Olympic champion, wrestler Aleksandr Medved, four-time Olympic champion, gymnast Olga Korbut, five-time Olympic champion, gymnast Nellie Kim, six-time Olympic champion, gymnast Vitaly Scherbo, and many other renowned athletes.

Belarus started competing in the Olympic Games as a separate team in 1994. Since then, Belarusian athletes have won 106 Olympic medals: 21 golds, 37 silvers, and 48 bronzes.
Belarus’ Olympic Games gold medalists:
Ekaterina Karsten
Ekaterina Karsten
rowing, 1996, 2000
Ellina Zvereva
Ellina Zvereva
athletics, discus throw, 2000
Yanina Karolchyk
Yanina Karolchyk
athletics, shot put, 2000
Ihar Makarau
Ihar Makarau
judo, 2004
Yulia Nestsiarenka
Yulia Nestsiarenka
athletics, 100m, 2004
Aliaksei Abalmasau, Artur Litvinchuk, Vadzim Makhneu, and Raman Piatrushenka
Aliaksei Abalmasau, Artur Litvinchuk, Vadzim Makhneu, and Raman Piatrushenka
canoeing, K4, 2008
Andrei Aramnau
Andrei Aramnau
weightlifting, 2008
Aliaksandr and Andrei Bahdanovich
Aliaksandr and Andrei Bahdanovich
canoeing, K2, 2008
Aleksei Grishin
Aleksei Grishin
freestyle skiing, aerials, 2010
Victoria Azarenka and Maxim Mirny
Victoria Azarenka and Maxim Mirny
tennis, mixed doubles, 2012
Sergei Martynov
Sergei Martynov
rifle shooting, 2012
Darya Domracheva
Darya Domracheva
biathlon, 2014
Alla Tsuper
Alla Tsuper
freestyle skiing, aerials, 2014
Anton Kushnir
Anton Kushnir
freestyle skiing, aerials, 2014
Uladzislau Hancharou
Uladzislau Hancharou
trampolining, 2016
Hanna Huskova
Hanna Huskova
freestyle skiing, 2018
Nadezhda Skardino, Iryna Kryuko, Dzinara Alimbekava, and Darya Domracheva
Nadezhda Skardino, Iryna Kryuko, Dzinara Alimbekava, and Darya Domracheva
biathlon, relay, 2018
Ivan Litvinovich
trampolining, 2021

The biggest milestone events in the history of Belarusian sport include the first gold medal won by Ekaterina Karsten for independent Belarus, the country’ first winter Olympic gold medal of Aleksei Grishin, Yulia Nestsiarenka’s sensational win in the 100m event, and Sergei Martynov’s success who broke a world record at the Olympic Games.

The 2014 Olympic Winter Games in Sochi were the most successful games in the history of Belarusian sport. Belarusian athletes clinched five gold medals (Darya Domracheva – three, Alla Tsuper – one, Anton Kushnir - one) and one bronze medal (Nadezhda Skardino). Three-time Olympic champion Darya Domracheva is the first and only woman in Belarus to be awarded the Hero of Belarus title.

At the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro Belarusian athletes won nine medals: one gold medal (Uladzislau Hancharou), four silver medals (Darya Naumava, Vadzim Straltsou, Maryia Mamashuk, Ivan Tsikhan), four bronze medals (Aliaksandra Herasimenia, Ibrahim Saidau, Javid Hamzatau, the women’s rowing team featuring Marharyta Makhneva, Nadzeya Liapeshka, Volha Khudzenka, and Maryna Litvinchuk).

At the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang Belarus was represented in six sports. Belarusian athletes claimed two gold medals and one silver medal. Belarus’ Hanna Huskova was victorious in freestyle skiing, and biathletes Nadezhda Skardino, Iryna Kryuko, Dzinara Alimbekava and Darya Domracheva captured women’s relay gold medals. Darya Domracheva also won a silver medal in women’s mass start.

At the 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, which took place from 23 July to 8 August 2021, Belarus was represented by 107 athletes in 20 sports. Belarusian athletes won seven medals: one gold (Ivan Litvinovich in trampoling), three silvers (Iryna Kurachkina and Mahamedkhabib Kadzimahamedau in freestyle wrestling) and three bronzes (the women’s rowing team featuring Volha Khudzenka, Maryna Litvinchuk, Marharyta Makhneva, Nadzeya Papok; Maksim Nedasekau in high jump; Vanesa Kaladzinskaya in freestyle wrestling; Alina Harnasko in rhythmic gymnastics).

At the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games which took on 4-20 February Belarus was represented by 29 athletes in six sports. Biathlete Anton Smolski (Men’s Individual race) and freestyle skier Hanna Huskova (Women's Aerials) won two silver medals.

Belarus also has a strong Paralympic team. At the 2010 Winter Paralympic Games in Vancouver Belarusian athletes won nine medals (two gold, seven bronze medals). At the 2012 Paralympic Games in London Belarus scored ten medals (five gold, two silver, three bronze medals). The team landed 25th in the overall medal tally. Belarusian swimmer Ihar Boki became a five-time Paralympic champion. He won the 200m individual medley with a new world record.

At the 2014 Paralympic Games in Sochi the Belarusian team captured three bronze medals. Vasili Shaptsiaboi became a two-time bronze medalist in biathlon, Yadviha Skarabahataya clinched a bronze medal in Nordic skiing.

At the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro Team Belarus won ten medals: eight gold (Ihar Boki - six, Andrei Pranevich - one, Uladzimir Izotau - one), two bronze medals (Aliaksandr Tryputs, Ihar Boki).

At the 2018 Paralympic Games in PyeongChang Belarusians clinched four gold (Sviatlana Sakhanenka – three, Yury Holub -one), four silver (Dzmitry Loban – two, Yury Holub – two), and four bronze medals (Lidziya Hrafeyeva – two, Sviatlana Sakhanenka – one, Yury Holub - one). https://president.gov.by/en/belarus/social/sport/sports-heroes
The Republic of Belarus develops more than 130 sports. Each of them has fans, momentous victories, and prominent names.

Belarusian athletes have taken part in the Olympic Games since 1952. Many Belarusian athletes went into the history of the Olympic Games, including three-time Olympic champion, wrestler Aleksandr Medved, four-time Olympic champion, gymnast Olga Korbut, five-time Olympic champion, gymnast Nellie Kim, six-time Olympic champion, gymnast Vitaly Scherbo, and many other renowned athletes.

Belarus started competing in the Olympic Games as a separate team in 1994. Since then, Belarusian athletes have won 106 Olympic medals: 21 golds, 37 silvers, and 48 bronzes.
Belarus’ Olympic Games gold medalists:
Ekaterina Karsten
Ekaterina Karsten
rowing, 1996, 2000
Ellina Zvereva
Ellina Zvereva
athletics, discus throw, 2000
Yanina Karolchyk
Yanina Karolchyk
athletics, shot put, 2000
Ihar Makarau
Ihar Makarau
judo, 2004
Yulia Nestsiarenka
Yulia Nestsiarenka
athletics, 100m, 2004
Aliaksei Abalmasau, Artur Litvinchuk, Vadzim Makhneu, and Raman Piatrushenka
Aliaksei Abalmasau, Artur Litvinchuk, Vadzim Makhneu, and Raman Piatrushenka
canoeing, K4, 2008
Andrei Aramnau
Andrei Aramnau
weightlifting, 2008
Aliaksandr and Andrei Bahdanovich
Aliaksandr and Andrei Bahdanovich
canoeing, K2, 2008
Aleksei Grishin
Aleksei Grishin
freestyle skiing, aerials, 2010
Victoria Azarenka and Maxim Mirny
Victoria Azarenka and Maxim Mirny
tennis, mixed doubles, 2012
Sergei Martynov
Sergei Martynov
rifle shooting, 2012
Darya Domracheva
Darya Domracheva
biathlon, 2014
Alla Tsuper
Alla Tsuper
freestyle skiing, aerials, 2014
Anton Kushnir
Anton Kushnir
freestyle skiing, aerials, 2014
Uladzislau Hancharou
Uladzislau Hancharou
trampolining, 2016
Hanna Huskova
Hanna Huskova
freestyle skiing, 2018
Nadezhda Skardino, Iryna Kryuko, Dzinara Alimbekava, and Darya Domracheva
Nadezhda Skardino, Iryna Kryuko, Dzinara Alimbekava, and Darya Domracheva
biathlon, relay, 2018
Ivan Litvinovich
trampolining, 2021 https://president.gov.by/en/belarus/social/sport/sports-heroes
Sports Heroes

The Republic of Belarus develops more than 130 sports. Each of them has fans, momentous victories, and prominent names.

Belarusian athletes have taken part in the Olympic Games since 1952. Many Belarusian athletes went into the history of the Olympic Games, including three-time Olympic champion, wrestler Aleksandr Medved, four-time Olympic champion, gymnast Olga Korbut, five-time Olympic champion, gymnast Nellie Kim, six-time Olympic champion, gymnast Vitaly Scherbo, and many other renowned athletes.

Belarus started competing in the Olympic Games as a separate team in 1994. Since then, Belarusian athletes have won 106 Olympic medals: 21 golds, 37 silvers, and 48 bronzes.
Belarus’ Olympic Games gold medalists:
Ekaterina Karsten
Ekaterina Karsten
rowing, 1996, 2000
Ellina Zvereva
Ellina Zvereva
athletics, discus throw, 2000
Yanina Karolchyk
Yanina Karolchyk
athletics, shot put, 2000
Ihar Makarau
Ihar Makarau
judo, 2004
Yulia Nestsiarenka
Yulia Nestsiarenka
athletics, 100m, 2004
Aliaksei Abalmasau, Artur Litvinchuk, Vadzim Makhneu, and Raman Piatrushenka
Aliaksei Abalmasau, Artur Litvinchuk, Vadzim Makhneu, and Raman Piatrushenka
canoeing, K4, 2008
Andrei Aramnau
Andrei Aramnau
weightlifting, 2008
Aliaksandr and Andrei Bahdanovich
Aliaksandr and Andrei Bahdanovich
canoeing, K2, 2008
Aleksei Grishin
Aleksei Grishin
freestyle skiing, aerials, 2010
Victoria Azarenka and Maxim Mirny
Victoria Azarenka and Maxim Mirny
tennis, mixed doubles, 2012
Sergei Martynov
Sergei Martynov
rifle shooting, 2012
Darya Domracheva
Darya Domracheva
biathlon, 2014
Alla Tsuper
Alla Tsuper
freestyle skiing, aerials, 2014
Anton Kushnir
Anton Kushnir
freestyle skiing, aerials, 2014
Uladzislau Hancharou
Uladzislau Hancharou
trampolining, 2016
Hanna Huskova
Hanna Huskova
freestyle skiing, 2018
Nadezhda Skardino, Iryna Kryuko, Dzinara Alimbekava, and Darya Domracheva
Nadezhda Skardino, Iryna Kryuko, Dzinara Alimbekava, and Darya Domracheva
biathlon, relay, 2018
Ivan Litvinovich
trampolining, 2021

The biggest milestone events in the history of Belarusian sport include the first gold medal won by Ekaterina Karsten for independent Belarus, the country’ first winter Olympic gold medal of Aleksei Grishin, Yulia Nestsiarenka’s sensational win in the 100m event, and Sergei Martynov’s success who broke a world record at the Olympic Games.

The 2014 Olympic Winter Games in Sochi were the most successful games in the history of Belarusian sport. Belarusian athletes clinched five gold medals (Darya Domracheva – three, Alla Tsuper – one, Anton Kushnir - one) and one bronze medal (Nadezhda Skardino). Three-time Olympic champion Darya Domracheva is the first and only woman in Belarus to be awarded the Hero of Belarus title.

At the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro Belarusian athletes won nine medals: one gold medal (Uladzislau Hancharou), four silver medals (Darya Naumava, Vadzim Straltsou, Maryia Mamashuk, Ivan Tsikhan), four bronze medals (Aliaksandra Herasimenia, Ibrahim Saidau, Javid Hamzatau, the women’s rowing team featuring Marharyta Makhneva, Nadzeya Liapeshka, Volha Khudzenka, and Maryna Litvinchuk).

At the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang Belarus was represented in six sports. Belarusian athletes claimed two gold medals and one silver medal. Belarus’ Hanna Huskova was victorious in freestyle skiing, and biathletes Nadezhda Skardino, Iryna Kryuko, Dzinara Alimbekava and Darya Domracheva captured women’s relay gold medals. Darya Domracheva also won a silver medal in women’s mass start.

At the 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, which took place from 23 July to 8 August 2021, Belarus was represented by 107 athletes in 20 sports. Belarusian athletes won seven medals: one gold (Ivan Litvinovich in trampoling), three silvers (Iryna Kurachkina and Mahamedkhabib Kadzimahamedau in freestyle wrestling) and three bronzes (the women’s rowing team featuring Volha Khudzenka, Maryna Litvinchuk, Marharyta Makhneva, Nadzeya Papok; Maksim Nedasekau in high jump; Vanesa Kaladzinskaya in freestyle wrestling; Alina Harnasko in rhythmic gymnastics).

At the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games which took on 4-20 February Belarus was represented by 29 athletes in six sports. Biathlete Anton Smolski (Men’s Individual race) and freestyle skier Hanna Huskova (Women's Aerials) won two silver medals.

Belarus also has a strong Paralympic team. At the 2010 Winter Paralympic Games in Vancouver Belarusian athletes won nine medals (two gold, seven bronze medals). At the 2012 Paralympic Games in London Belarus scored ten medals (five gold, two silver, three bronze medals). The team landed 25th in the overall medal tally. Belarusian swimmer Ihar Boki became a five-time Paralympic champion. He won the 200m individual medley with a new world record.

At the 2014 Paralympic Games in Sochi the Belarusian team captured three bronze medals. Vasili Shaptsiaboi became a two-time bronze medalist in biathlon, Yadviha Skarabahataya clinched a bronze medal in Nordic skiing.

At the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro Team Belarus won ten medals: eight gold (Ihar Boki - six, Andrei Pranevich - one, Uladzimir Izotau - one), two bronze medals (Aliaksandr Tryputs, Ihar Boki).

At the 2018 Paralympic Games in PyeongChang Belarusians clinched four gold (Sviatlana Sakhanenka – three, Yury Holub -one), four silver (Dzmitry Loban – two, Yury Holub – two), and four bronze medals (Lidziya Hrafeyeva – two, Sviatlana Sakhanenka – one, Yury Holub - one). https://president.gov.by/en/belarus/social/sport/sports-heroes


About Electronic Cigarettes (E-Cigarettes)

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What are e-cigarettes?

    E-cigarettes come in many shapes and sizes. Most have a battery, a heating element, and a place to hold a liquid.

    E-cigarettes produce an aerosol by heating a liquid that usually contains nicotine—the addictive drug in regular cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco products—flavorings, and other chemicals. Users inhale this aerosol into their lungs.

    E-cigarettes are known by many different names. They are sometimes called “e-cigs,” “e-hookahs,” “mods,” “vape pens,” “vapes,” “tank systems,” and “electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS).”
    Some e-cigarettes are made to look like regular cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. Some resemble pens, USB sticks, and other everyday items. 


  What’s the Bottom Line on the Risks of E-cigarettes for Kids, Teens, and Young Adults?

The use of e-cigarettes is unsafe for kids, teens, and young adults.
  Most e-cigarettes contain nicotine. Nicotine is highly addictive and can harm adolescent brain development, which continues into the early to mid-20s.
    E-cigarettes can contain other harmful substances besides nicotine.


    Young people who use e-cigarettes may be more likely to smoke cigarettes in the future.

 There is no safe alternative to cigarettes. Vaping can also lead to heart disease, stroke, infertility, brain damage, and cancer. Another danger is rapid addiction.


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ИСТОЧНИК: https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/about-e-cigarettes.html