понедельник, 3 апреля 2023 г.

The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia

Every year on April 2, the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia is celebrated. This holiday is timed to coincide with the signing on April 2, 1996 of an agreement on the formation of the Community of Belarus and Russia.


The document defined the main tasks of integration in the field of foreign policy, defense and security, the creation of a common economic space other issues.


Every year in the capitals of both states, Moscow and Minsk, various festive events are held, as well as meetings of the leaders of the countries. A coordinated social policy is being pursued that ensures equal rights for citizens of both countries. There is an increase in interaction in the field of education, healthcare, culture, sports and youth policy. 


Within the framework of the Union State, a large number of various joint programs and projects are being implemented in such areas as construction, industry, energy, space exploration, development of computer and innovative technologies.https://sun9-61.userapi.com/impg/x3U42OrkajtGpM7Z8l0BvaBn9M3j_YSMn8gHMA/6f8S4mGd-g4.jpg?size=2560x1923&quality=96&sign=0f6b454bbbed2bd00475a09f2a446f1a&type=album

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