четверг, 23 февраля 2023 г.



           One of the most common problems we are facing in today’s world which is killing people is smoking.

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           Everyone knows that smoking is extremely dangerous for health. Nevertheless, the number of smokers throughout the world is constantly growing. Just imagine: over a billion people on our planet including kids and teenagers are regular smokers. Every year smoking causes more deaths than flight and automobile accidents together. It is the most widespread bad habit, as well as one of the most hazardous ones.
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         Why is inhaling of tobacco smoke so harmful?
The answer is evident: it provokes a lot of dangerous and even fatal diseases. For example, it can trigger almost all types of cancer. The most frequent of them is lung cancer – about 90 percent of cases are caused by smoking. Besides, tobacco-related carcinogens effect vital internal organs including stomach, liver, kidney, and so on. 

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            Children of smoking parents are more allergic, more amenable to infections, more likely to have asthma attacks. Moreover, they often suffer from developmental delays and have intellectual problems, such as bad memory, distracted attention and others.
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           But why do people continue smoking, if most of them are perfectly well aware of consequences? The reasons can be different:
        ! Some people believe that this procedure helps them to relax, but it is just a self-suggestion, no more.
        ! Moreover, many of them start smoking when they are too young to foresee the results. They just don’t think about it. But when they grow older, it’s already too late. 
Smoking is one of the most terrible addictions. Maybe it’s because the consequences are not so evident. So, most people think: “Yes, I understand that smoking is not good for my health. But nothing will happen right now, if I have one more cigarette. Of course, I’ll give it up, but I’ll do it some later.” Unfortunately, such self-deception can last for years.

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           If you don’t smoke, never start to. Don’t forget that smoking is a rather insidious addiction. It seems innocent at first, and you are sure that you will give up at any moment. But one day you suddenly realize that you can’t do it. 
           So, think twice before taking an offered cigarette. Just think that it can cost you your life.

источник: https://englishtopic.ru/the-problem-of-smoking-problema-kureniya/

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