понедельник, 16 мая 2022 г.


We all have habits, good or bad. Some of them are a bit strange: reading magazines back to front, for instance. Others can be annoying: like biting your nails or being always late. You are lucky if you have only good and healthy habits: jogging every morning or brushing your teeth after meals.

Unfortunately many people have bad habits which mainly cause serious health problems. Nowadays scientists refer such habits to the bad ones as alcohol, smoking, visiting social networks, fastfood, video games, modern smartphones and iPads etc. All of them are contagious and difficult to overcome, as the temptations are everywhere in the contemporary world. They usually stick to us because of boredom and stresses in our life, so the best way to eliminate them is to diversify your life. But sometimes the reason of the bad habit is much deeper, so be ready to be honest with yourself and realize what is hidden behind it.

The world is facing a drugs crisis. There are more young addicts today than ever before. This crisis is serious and international.  There are three main kinds of drug: Hard Drugs, Soft Drugs and Legal Drugs (tobacco, alcohol). They can all cause addiction, serious illness and even death. 

           Никаких Наркотиков, Знак, Здоровый, Запрещенный

Smoking and Alcohol are the most widespread bad habits especialle among young people. People start smoking and drinking alcohol for different reasons. Some think it looks cool, other start because their family members or friends smoke or drink. And in fact, there are no physical reasons to start it. The body doesn’t need tobacco and alcohol the way it needs food, water, sleep and exercises.

Cigarette smoking (active and passive) is extremely harmful, because inhaling of tobacco causes all types of cancer, lung and heart diseases and can be fatal. Smoking shortens your life by 10 years or more and can cost a smoker a lot of money.  Smoking is an addiction. Smokers need it, depend on it, can’t stop it. If they haven’t smoked for some hours they feel a craving for a cigarette. 

                                    Курение, Зависимость, Сигарета, Арест, Плохой, Рак

Smoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains the very addictive chemicals nicotine. Smokers can try to kick this habit. They may rely on their willpower, wear nicotine patches or eat sweets. But it’s much easier especially for young people to not start smoking at all. Teen smokers have not only health problems, they have such problems as bad breath, bad-smelling clothes and hair, trouble keeping up in sports , stained fingers, an increased risk of illness and more.

Alcohol is a two-faced addiction. The first one is psychological where the mind sends the body the message that it needs more  and  more  of  the  drug.  The other  one  is  physical  where  the  body itself feels a need  for the drug. 

Alcohol drinking is a very common form of drug abuse especially among young. Alcohol takes away problems. All people turn to the bottle in a stress situation: alcohol is available everywhere. Alcoholic parents increase the chances of developing an addiction to alcohol. Teenage drinking is very dangerous. In a short period of time he will become a hopeless alcoholic.

Alcohol is a drug that tends to slow down the working of the brain.  The brain becomes  less  able  to  control  the  body. Heavy drinker  begin losing friends and are soon unable to carry on with their studies or work.

Finally, I want to say that staying smoke, drug and alcohol-free  will give you more energy, better looks, more money in your pocket and in the long run, more life to live.

   Скейтборд, Скейтер, Конькобежец, Подросток

Источник: https://s-english.ru/topics/bad-habits

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