понедельник, 16 мая 2022 г.

Street Workout


Street Workout

        Hello! My name is Vlad. I want to talk about my hobby and my achievements.

         Street workout is outdoor physical activity in parks or public places. It originated in ancient Greece, but became popular in Russia, Eastern Europe and the United States, especially in the urban areas of New York. Today it has spread all over the world. It is a combination of athletics, gymnastics and sports. Street workout is the modern name for bodyweight workouts in parks. There are street workout teams and organized competitions.

         A typical street workout program often includes physical exercises such as pull-ups, push-ups, push-ups on the bars, sit-ups. Street Workout also includes some static holds such as the human flag, front arm, rear arm, and bars.

         Street workouts can be divided into two types: strength training and dynamic training. Strength training includes isometric holding exercises such as planches, front and back levers, etc. This also includes one-arm pull-ups, power-ups, and more. Dynamic exercises include movements such as 360s and their variations and various tricks designed by the athlete and combined with other movement sequences to create exercises or sets.

          A typical street workout program consists of:  

         - Sports exercises - a system of exercises with different levels of load to improve health, develop strength and endurance, as well as build an athletic physique. 

        - Isometric exercises - a type of strength training with holding a static position. 

       -  gymnastics - a set of various simple exercises that are performed using only your own body weight. The purpose of these exercises is to train muscle strength and develop overall strength. 


  Street workouts are usually held outdoors or in specially equipped workout parks. Thus, individuals and/or groups can train in urban areas. A typical calisthenics park looks like a soft-surfaced playground, consisting of several bars and other items for training with your body weight. In our school, boys are also interested in workouts. For our boys, workout is leisure sport. They train after school. You have training five times a week.

     In unserer Schule interessieren sich auch die Jungen für Workout. Für unsere Jungen Workout ist Freizetsport. Sie trainieren nach der Schule. Sie haben fünfmal in der Woche Training. 

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