пятница, 16 декабря 2022 г.


 My Hobby is Football     

           Hi, I'm Vlad! I absolutely love sports. I can't imagine life without exercise. I don’t understand people who constantly sit at home, because movement is life. I have been involved in sports since my childhood and continue to do it. I am interested in any sport, even if I have not done it. I like to talk to experts from different sports industries, whether you are a swimmer or a football player. 


               As long back as I can remember I always liked football. I like playing football and watching it discussing players, coaches, trainers and judges. My mum took me to football lessons when I was 6 and I was the smallest player in the team and other boys were already 7-8 years old. Right now I’m 15 and I hope I can become a professional trainer one day. I understand that I need to train a lot and work on myself all the time. 
              I’ve made some progress already, for example, I play for my city team. I participate in championships, I receive cups and certificates.


               My favorite player is Lionel Messi. He is the best bombardier of Spanish football club «Barcelona» and the national team of Argentina. He became the best player in the world several times.     
             Football is a great game that will keep you focused the whole match. It’s also the most popular game in the world. During the World Championships, half of the citizens of our planet watch football.


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