суббота, 15 октября 2022 г.


My hobby is drawing

Hi! My name is Ella. Hobbies make our life more colouful and they keep us occupied in our leisure time. And I believe hobbies help us both to relax and to develop.

My favourite hobby is drawing. I started drawing when I was six. My mother always encouraged me and praised my funny drawings. She even decorated the house with them. And the best presents on my parents’ and grandparents’ birthdays were also my drawings. Of course I was pleased and quite proud of my works. Since then this hobby has become a very important part of my life.


My hobby made me observe the world around me every minute of my life. I realized that observation was the main thing in the art of painting and drawing.

Today drawing and painting are so much fun to me. I just need a paint brush and watercolour, crayons or pencils and some drawing paper. And I feel happy and never get bored with my hobby. I try to show all my devotion, imagination and creativity in my works. I don’t consider myself to be a great artist and I still have much to be improved but my friends are always amazed at my pictures and they find them unique.


Drawing brings me real satisfaction. It is my own little world.  I would like to wish everyone to find their hobby and get as much pleasure from it as I get from drawing.

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