четверг, 23 марта 2023 г.

State memorial complex «Khatyn»

 State memorial complex «Khatyn»

You will not find this small Belorussian village on any of the most detailed geographic map today. It was destroyed by German fascists in spring in 1943.


The massacre occurred on March 22, 1943. Brutal fascists rushed into the village and encircled it. The inhabitants of Khatyn were innocent, however their death sentence had already been pronounced. All of them — young and old, women and kids were driven from their houses out into the shed.


None of the adults managed to escape. Only three kids — Volodia Yaskevich, his sister Sonia and another boy Sasha Zhelobkovich by name — were able to hide from the fascists. When all people were finally in the shed, the door was locked and the Nazis covered the shed with straw, spilt benzine over and set fire to it. In a moment the wooden shed was ablaze. The children were crying and suffocating in the smoke. The adults were trying to rescue them.

 149 people, including 75 children under age were burned alive. The youngest baby was only 7 weeks old. The village was then looted and burned to the ground.


The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus made a decision in January 1966 to build a memorial complex Khatyn in memory of the hundred of Belorussian villages, destroyed by Nazis during the years of the Second World War, and also in memory of the great tribute and numerous lives sacrificed for the victory by Belorussians.

Class hours dedicated to the tragedy of the village of Khatyn were held in our school.



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